Busting Excuses – 5 Common Excuses and why you deserve a boudoir photo experience too!

Boudoir Photography Vancouver | Klein Studios


Embracing our sensuality and celebrating the beauty of the female form is a powerful and empowering experience. Our empowering Boudoir Sessions offer a unique opportunity for women to capture their confidence in a tasteful and artistic manner. Despite countless testimonies about having such a positive impact on their lives, many women still find themselves held back by a myriad of excuses. In this post, we’ll debunk five common excuses that might be preventing you from booking a boudoir photo shoot and encourage you to step into the spotlight of our beautiful studio and safe space to freely express yourself.

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“I don’t ever have time for myself”

It’s important to remember that if you’re not looking after your mental health, it’s tough to handle all the other stuff life throws at you. It sounds like common sense, but actually doing it is a whole different story. It’s really hard to give yourself a breather! I know because I have been there many times! That’s why I’m sharing this with you folks. I make the same old excuses, and sometimes, I need someone to tell me straight up, “Chill out, take a break, just breathe.” Doing a Boudoir photoshoot will help you love yourself for a few hours. Imagine all the energy saved if you stop comparing yourself to others or stressing about what people think of how you look. That’s when you truly see your own beauty, and it lifts a ton of weight off your mind. So, take some time for yourself, and why not make it awesome by getting all glammed up for once?

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“I Need to Lose Weight First”

The media has done a terrific job for us women to hate how we look and it’s heartbreaking to say the least. Body positivity and self-love are at the heart of boudoir photography. There is no perfect body type, and every woman deserves to feel beautiful just as she is. Professional boudoir photographers are experienced in working with women of all shapes and sizes. They understand how to accentuate your best features and create images that make you feel confident and proud of your body. Remember, beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. It’s definitely awesome and admirable to have goals and want to get healthy, but that doesn’t mean you have to hate your body to do those things! Loving yourself every step of the way, be proud of where you are, so that you can be proud of where your journey leads you to! Book a boudoir shoot to celebrate where you are now and then do another one when you lose that 15 pounds to celebrate!

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“I don’t feel sexy so I don’t think this is for me”

This excuse is the EXACT reason why you SHOULD do a boudoir photo shoot!

A lot of times we lose touch with our feminine side or sexuality, especially when life gets hectic with health, kids, and work. It’s totally normal, and it’s okay. One great way to rediscover that part of ourselves is by having a boudoir shoot. It’s a fantastic way to reignite that spark within. We can help you see that it’s there, and it might even add a spark between you and your spouse too. Plus, remember you don’t have to go for super sexy lingerie if that’s not your thing. There are plenty of other outfit ideas that can showcase your personality. If you need suggestions, I’d be happy to chat about them, or you can check out our blog for some outfit inspiration HERE.

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“I cannot afford a Boudoir photo shoot right now”

While a boudoir photo shoot is an investment, it is also an investment in yourself, your confidence and your well-being. In order to get you on our calendar, all we need is a booking retainer (session fee) and after that we can set up a pre-payment plan leading up to your photo shoot! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out  and we are happy to go over all the details with you!

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 “I’m Too Shy”

Feeling shy or reserved is a common concern for many women considering a boudoir photo shoot. We want you to know and be rest assured that we will guide you through the photo shoot every step of the way. We will pose you to your finger tips and coach you through the session like a breeze so you don’t have to feel awkward. At the same time it’s a collaborative process and we will help you showing your personality in your photos. Overcoming your shyness in a boudoir shoot with us can be a transformative experience, boosting your self-confidence and helping you embrace your sensuality.

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