6 Tips to Help You Relax Before Your Boudoir Session

When you walk into my studio, you likely have never done a boudoir photography session before. So I understand if you’re a little bit nervous! The important thing is that you don’t let those nerves hold you back so you can relax before your boudoir session.

Because after just a short time of us being together, those nerves will float away. You’ll find yourself posing in front of the camera with ease, loving every moment, and feeling like the most confident and beautiful version of yourself. I know because I have seen it happen with every woman who walks into my studio!

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Don’t let your nerves hold you back

A few weeks ago, I received a last minute email from a client letting me know she would have to cancel her session. When I asked her why, she admitted that it was because of her nerves. I told her that if she cancels, she will miss out on an amazing experience and a chance to see herself in a new light. After discussing it more, she agreed to come in for her session and ended up LOVING every minute of it.

I totally understand being nervous before your boudoir session. But I promise your session will be the most positive, impactful and beautiful experience you could have in front of a camera lens. You will leave your session feeling confident, sexy and totally in love with your body!

But how do you get there? How do you go from nervous a newbie to confident boudoir babe? You can start by following my six tips to help you relax before your boudoir session.

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6 Tips to Help You Relax Before Your Boudoir Session

Join my VIP Facebook Group

The best way to relax before your boudoir session is to get some support from other women who know exactly how you feel. Join my VIP Facebook Group (women-only) and scroll through countless posts of women asking questions, offering advice, sharing inspiration and boosting each other up. Look out for videos of women during their boudoir sessions sharing exactly how they felt and why they found their session to be so worth it!

Prepare for your session

If you’re nervous, it can help to come prepared. Before your session, spend some time posing in front of the mirror or use your phone and snap a few self-timer shots of yourself. Head to the mall and treat yourself to some beautiful new lingerie. Get a pedicure and manicure so you’re feeling gorgeous from head to toe.

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Work on your nerves

Feeling nervous, unsure of yourself and uncomfortable in your body is, sadly, a common thought for many women. While doing a boudoir photography session will help with those feelings, it’s only one part of the puzzle. You can continue to work on this mindset by surrounding yourself with positive people (like in our Facebook group!), exploring meditation and positive mantras, and reading books on self-love and empowerment like “You Are a Badass” by Jen Sincero, “Girl, Wash Your Face” by Rachel Hollis, and “The Self-Love Experiment” by Shannon Kaiser.

Make your boudoir session a priority

If your boudoir session is the last thing on your to-do list, it can be easy to let your nerves win and to keep putting your session off. But if you make it a priority, you can face your fears head on and realize you didn’t have anything to be afraid of. Reframe your session in your head. Act like this session is a big birthday party or celebration. It’s something meaningful that you are looking forward to!

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Know that I have your back

As your boudoir photographer, it is my job to help you feel confident and relax before your boudoir session. I am on your team and 100% in your corner. My purpose and passion is showing women like you how beautiful and strong they are.

When you come into the studio, it will feel like coming over to a friend’s house. I’m there to help you look and feel your best, to giggle with you over silly moments, and to play your favourite music. I will show you how to pose and guide you through every moment. And I’ll turn my lens around so you can get that extra boost of confidence when you look at the display and say, “Wow! Is that really me?” Yes, gorgeous, that’s you!

Don’t feel selfish or guilty

As women, we often feel selfish or guilty when we put ourselves first. We put our kids, our partners, our jobs, our friends and our families before ourselves all of the time. But that stops now. Leave those feelings of guilt at home because this boudoir session is for you. You deserve to have a moment that’s all about celebrating you and everything you have accomplished! You deserve to look back on these photos and see the beautiful woman that you are.

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Our studio is located in Langley, BC - just 30 minutes from Vancouver


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