14 Tips for Feeling Comfortable in Front of the Camera

So you’ve finally booked the boudoir session you’ve been dying to do? Congratulations! But as the day gets closer, you find yourself getting more and more nervous. How are you ever going to feel comfortable in front of the camera?

Don’t worry, you are not alone. Almost every person who has walked through the doors of my boudoir studio has felt nervous. But here’s the good news: Every person leaves feeling absolutely incredible, so full of confidence, and at a new level of self-love.

If you’re worried about how you’ll ever feel comfortable and confident in front of the camera during your boudoir session, check out my 14 tips below!

Get to know your photographer

Spend some time getting to know your photographer. Check out their work, browse their website, read their latest blog posts, and scroll through their Facebook and Instagram pages.

Don’t be afraid to reach out with questions! Your boudoir photographer would love to chat with you and put your mind at ease.

black and white outdoor boudoir photo

Embrace photo opportunities

The best way to get comfortable in front of the camera is by being in more photos. So leading up to your boudoir session, take advantage of every photo opportunity. Smile for a shot at your office potluck or kiddo’s birthday party, ask your partner to take your photo on date night, or even snap a few selfies in the bathroom!

Get into your body

Spend time joyfully moving your body. Not only is this great to do for your mental and physical well-being, but it helps you feel more at home in your own skin, which will translate on camera.

Do a yoga practice, stretch before bed, walk around your local park, or have a dance party in the living room!

boudoir photo in red robe

Spend time in front of the mirror

So many people avoid looking at their reflection. But I challenge you to spend some time in front of the mirror. Instead of picking out your flaws, list 10 things you love about your appearance. Do this regularly until you’re beaming at the beautiful human in the mirror!

Do some research

A great way to feel more comfortable at your boudoir photography session is to do some research beforehand. Learn how to prepare for your boudoir shoot. Look at boudoir photos and get inspired. Take note of any poses, props or outfits you particularly like and want to incorporate into your own shoot.

Scrolling through your photographer’s Instagram page is a great place to start! You can also head to Pinterest for lots of boudoir inspiration.

how to feel comfortable in front of the camera for your boudoir photo shoot

Pamper yourself

Treat yourself and your body to some pampering! This will help you feel and look more camera ready, and encourage you to be more at peace in your own body.

Head to the spa for a massage or to get your nails done, enjoy a relaxing skincare routine each night, or spend some time soaking in a luxurious bubble bath!

Get support

If you’re feeling nervous, reach out and get some support. Join my VIP Facebook Group where you’ll find a community of supportive women to cheer you on. They’ll answer your questions, help you decide on outfits and make you feel like the superhero you are.

And on the day of your boudoir shoot, you won’t be alone. You’ll have the support of me and my glam squad. We’ll be with you the whole time!

boudoir photography

Practice relaxation techniques

I want your boudoir experience to be exciting and transformative – not something you stress about. So take some time to practice relaxing in the days and weeks before your session. This will help to ease your mind and take the tension out of your body.

Learn some breathing practices, do a guided meditation or repeat your favourite mantras. Do whatever it is that helps your relax and feel your best.

Trust your photographer to guide you

Trust me when I say that everyone comes to their first boudoir session nervous about something. But I have your back the entire time. I will guide you, show you how to pose, fix your lighting, and ensure you are comfortable and looking gorgeous every step of the way.

This is a closed set; it’s just you, me and my amazing hair and makeup artist. I have taken so many women through this incredible journey and I promise to guide you through too.

boudoir photo in pink angel wings

Plan a relaxing day

Try to plan a relaxing schedule for the day before and the day of your shoot. It won’t help you feel comfortable in front of the camera if you’re rushing around and stressed in the hours before your session.

If you can, spend time before your boudoir shoot practicing your relaxation techniques and doing something just for you. That way, you’ll enter my studio as calm and ready as possible.

Wear something that makes you feel good

Outfit choice is a huge part of boudoir photography. I love how my clients express themselves and personalize their photos with their outfits. Whether it’s lingerie or a leather jacket, you always want to wear something that fits and makes you feel your best.

Choose an outfit that highlights your favourite parts of yourself. Practice wearing your outfit around the house (maybe when no one’s home!) so you feel comfortable in it on the big day.

how to feel comfortable in front of the camera for your boudoir session

Give yourself a pep talk

Just before you walk into my studio, when your nerves are at an all time high, is the perfect time to give yourself a pep talk. Remember why you are doing this. You want this transformation. You know you deserve this and the confidence and self-love you are going to feel is so much bigger than your nerves.

Don’t forget that nerves are a good thing. They tell us something big and exciting is happening!

Speak up

Don’t be afraid to speak up. After all, this is your shoot! During your session you can ask questions, request something, change up the music, and let me know what you do and don’t like. We are here for you and want you to love this experience. So don’t be afraid to ask for what you want.

boudoir photography client in red lingerie

Remember: Confidence is a by-product of boudoir, not a prerequisite

You do not need to feel 100% confident and comfortable walking into your boudoir session. All you have to do is walk in. Because I guarantee by the time you leave, your confidence is going to be through the roof!

I am here for you every step of the way – from that first moment you think about boudoir all the way to to helping you choose your photos during the reveal. I will be there when you’re booking your session and I will guide you through the process on the big day. You are never alone in this.

It is my job to make you feel comfortable, confident and stunning during your boudoir session. And guess what? I’m very good at my job!

Ready to book your boudoir session? Get in touch to book today!


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Our studio is located in Langley, BC - just 30 minutes from Vancouver


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