I am so excited to share that I recently photographed my first couples boudoir session and it was INCREDIBLE! I had such a great time working with my amazing couple, they had an awesome experience together and the photos…well, I think the photos speak for themselves! We created intimate, sensual and stunning photos that I am so proud of. I can’t wait for my next couples boudoir session!
Interested? Let me tell you all about couples boudoir.
Why do a couples boudoir session?
Because it’s so much fun! Seriously, my couple and I had such a blast during their session. A couples boudoir session is a great chance for you and your partner to connect. When was the last time you and your other half took photos together? At your wedding? Or maybe never? Well, it’s time for that to change! You two deserve to enjoy one another and turn the spotlight on yourselves. Take the time to connect, get a little vulnerable, do something just for yourselves and show off your love.
Plus, these images make incredible anniversary gifts to one another!
Do we have to be models to do a couples boudoir session?
Absolutely not! I work with real couples, just like I work with real women in my traditional boudoir sessions, to make them feel beautiful and confident. You don’t need to look like a model when you enter my studio but I guarantee you’ll feel like one when you see the gorgeous photos we create together! I know exactly how to pose and light you to capture the best images of you.
These images look steamy! How sexy are we talking?
Honestly? Not that sexy! While the photos look very steamy and sensual, the actual experience is anything but. There is no funny business going on! Of course, you and your partner are into one another. And you’ll definitely see their jaw drop when you first come out in your boudoir look. But after being directed by me and made to hold a few poses, you’ll see the sexy go out the window pretty quick.
Isn’t it awkward?
Not at all! I totally get that it might seem awkward to have to pose with your partner in front of me and my camera. But I promise you, you will lose all of your nerves and awkward energy almost immediately. The session is all about fun! Get ready to say, “I can’t believe we’re doing this!” or “Babe, did you even brush your teeth?” We’ll laugh, we’ll chat, we’ll joke around and we’ll capture some gorgeous shots of you two.
What happens before the session?
Once you’ve reached out to book your couples boudoir session, I’ll do a free consultation with you where I can answer any of your questions and go over the details of your shoot. We can chat about outfits, themes and anything you’re nervous about. Then on the day of your session, you’ll arrive at 10:00am for hair and makeup, just like a regular boudoir session. Your partner is free to go grab a coffee or hang out on a couch in the studio. If your partner wears makeup, they can also join you in getting glam!
What happens during the session?
Just like a regular boudoir session, we’ll work together to create your images by finding the best poses, angles and lighting for you. We’ll experiment with different backgrounds or props. We’ll try on different outfits to create new looks. And we’ll spend the whole time laughing, chatting and hanging out together.
How is couples boudoir different from a traditional boudoir session?
The main difference is that 99% of your images will be the two of you together. There are no solo portraits during a couples boudoir session.
What if I want solo shots?
If you want some boudoir photos of just you, I recommend booking a traditional boudoir session with me first and then coming back with your partner for round two. That way, you’ll get to experience the transformational power of boudoir firsthand. You’ll have an opportunity to learn about boudoir, get to know me and my process, get rid of any nerves, and talk your partner’s ear off about how awesome boudoir is! Then, when you come back for your couples session, you’ll be a pro!
Okay, I’m interested! What now?
Get in touch! I would love to chat with you and your partner about a couples boudoir session and answer any of your questions. I look forward to seeing you two in my studio soon!